The 15 European Cities With The Worst Traffic

Activity is a developing issue in urban areas around the world.
A few urban areas have found a way to cutclog. Among those urban communities is London, which puts an expense on most vehicles driving in an assigned blockage charge zone. Be that as it may, others still can't seem to locate a genuine arrangement.

1. Bucharest, Romania, has the worst traffic in Europe, with a score of 50%, a massive 7-point increase from the year before.

2. Moscow got the same score as it did in 2015: 44%. Despite the city's major traffic issues, TomTom gave the city its parking award.

3. Saint Petersburg, Russia, received a score of 41%, a 1-point uptick from the year prior.

4. London has made an effort to cut traffic with a congestion pricing system, but it still has bad congestion. It secured a score of 40%, a 2-point increase from the year before.

5. Marseille, France, got a score of 40%, a 2-point increase from 2015.

6. Rome is known to have a traffic issue. The city secured a high score of 40%, a 2-point increase from the year before.

7. Paris also got a score of 38%, a 2-point increase from the year before.

8. Brussels got a score of 38%, a 3-point increase from the year before.

9. Manchester, England, got a score of 38%, which is only a 1-point difference from the year prior.

10. Athens, Greece, tied Warsaw with a score of 37%, but its congestion increased slightly since 2015.
